Self study

Do you work from outside in... or inside out?

Let's face it, many of us start practising yoga as a mode of exercising, moving our body and gaining flexibility... I certainly did!

But how many of you have noticed the internal benefits and shifts as a consequence of your physical āsana practice? For me they have been HUGE!

So it seems a good place to start by working from outside in...

Connect with the movement of your body.

Connect with the movement of your breath.

Connect with the sensations you experience.

No judgement, just respectful curiosity of what is going on.

Begin building your awareness of yourself, searching for information

Then learn to listen really listen to the subtle whispers of the body and mind and you'll soon realise you are listening to your soul's voice

What does it want? What does it need?

And then find ways to understand and respond accordingly.

Cultivate that study of yourself and reflection on what it means to help you discover your true nature.

That you are a being of endless love.

That you are a being of radiant light.

That you are complete.

And by the way, you are already these things and more!!!

The qualities you see and admire in others around you are just a reflection of YOU, they are already within you.


Moving together


Your Nervous System