Abundance & Gratitude
What do these words mean to you?
There is a wonderful part of yoga philosophy (one of the yama of Patañjali's yoga sutras) called ~aparigraha~ roughly translated as 'non-accumulation' or 'non-taking'.
It reminds us to focus on what we already have, that we are already abundant. Abundance is all around us.
When we forget this, we enter a perception of lack, of deficiency. We desperately grasp outwardly for things to make us feel better, to fill the void we feel inside.
We can cultivate an abundance mindset.
Gratitude brings abundance
By finding gratitude in not only the big moments and events in our lives, but also in the minutiae of day to day life, we can ourselves realise how bloody lucky we are to have been given a moment on this beautiful planet.
I have been doing a daily gratitude practice every day for the past 140 days now. Some days I fill the page, others I find it hard to think of 3 things, but I always do. Even if it's just that I have a roof over my head, food in the cupboards and that I'm still alive!
I invite you to do a daily gratitude practice, noting down every evening what you are grateful for, who you are grateful for, good things that have happened that day, every day for 2 weeks. Even just 3 things will make a big difference to your mindset, I promise!
Today I am grateful for...
My body, my breath, beautiful nature, the sun for rising every day and that I am able to rise with it too