It’s the triangle of life

Utthita trikoṇāsana {extended triangle pose} really makes me think! 

The triangle is one of the most strong, stable shapes in terms of construction. Think of the Egyptian pyramids, mountains, fire.   

Also, the triangle symbol represents power, divinity and strength.

A triangle also has 3 sides. These 3 sides are independent lines but when put together are totally dependent on one another to form this strong triangular structure. 

In Vedic and Hindu mythology the 3 sides of the triangle in trikoṇāsana represent the 3 forces of...

Brahmā {the creator}

Viṣṇu {the preserver}

Śiva {the destroyer}

Together these energies represent the cycle of life.  Every single thing in this world will be created/born, live its life, and then catastrophic change/death occurs.

I find being able to step back and see the cycles in everyday life really grounding.  

The tree, the snail and the human will be born, live, then die.  Whatever else happens, that is the only information we know for certain.  

So use the amazing triangle structure as your basis of stability and support to allow yourself to notice the cycles inside and outside of you. 

Where are you in the cycle right now...

Are you creating something new? 
Are you sustaining a habit/routine and keeping going? 
Are you keen to release something and close the cycle? 

Wherever you are in the cycle just notice, acknowledge and allow it to be what it is. Know the cycle will always come to an end somehow and there is always a chance to create something new! 

And next time you do some yoga āsana {poses} count how many triangles you make with your body... you'll be surprised!! 


Your Nervous System


Abundance & Gratitude